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Archive for January, 2012

Zen and the Art of Rally Porsche Maintenance

Wednesday, January 25th, 2012

By John Glynn. Pics by Hayden We are into the last week of the London to Cape Town rally. The Porsche 912 of Burvill and Caldwell is in 7th position, one hour ahead of its nearest class competitor. Between the 912 and the lead lies three 4x4s, an MG and a Porsche 911. Thoughts now [...]

London Cape Town: Throttles on MAX

Sunday, January 22nd, 2012

by John Glynn. Pics by Gerard Brown/Enduro Rally and Turbo’s Boys in Egypt The number 45 911 of Joost van Cauwenberge and Jacques Castalein is demonstrating relentless pace on the London Cape Town. Down to 7th after a penalty for non-standard dampers, the Porsche is now back up to 3rd overall and setting some blistering [...]

London Cape Town Day 19: Porsche Penalties

Thursday, January 19th, 2012

By John Glynn. Pics by Gerard Brown/Rally Organisers Day 19 on the London to Cape Town and it’s back to business as normal in Africa: smashing nice cars to pieces! If this keeps up, then perhaps only the support 4x4s will take the flag in Cape Town. At the end of Day 17, the 911 [...]

London to Cape Town: Day 17 & News from Hayden

Tuesday, January 17th, 2012

By John Glynn. Pictures: Bert Callens and Day 17 of the London to Cape Town Rally and all dreams of a quick breeze down a ‘civilised’ East African coast have been smashed to smithereens. So have most of the cars competing on the rally, thanks to the horrendous Marsabit to Nairobi road. Had a [...]

London to Cape Town: Day 16 Catch-Up

Tuesday, January 17th, 2012

By John Glynn More news in from Kenya. It’s been a tough day: many are arriving back to base well late and five cars are still stuck in the desert – but the two top ten Porsches are making more ground on the leaderboard. Hayden is clearly keeping busy, hence the lack of texts. The [...]

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